What type of assessments are available in an OpenSciEd unit? - OpenSciEd
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What type of assessments are available in an OpenSciEd unit?

OpenSciEd has developed an assessment system that is grounded in the recommendations of the National Research Council (2014) report, Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards. An assessment system is a holistic way that supports teacher autonomy and multiple ways for students to demonstrate their ability to reason with the three dimensions.

The system has assessments embedded in the unit, options for self- and peer-assessment, and multi-component tasks. The report recommended the use of multi-component tasks as a centerpiece for assessment, that is, tasks that are organized around a scenario presented to students that tests their ability to apply understandings of core ideas and crosscutting concepts to explain a phenomenon or solve a problem using science and engineering practices.

Each unit includes an assessment system that offers many opportunities for different types of assessments that work together to help teachers inform instruction throughout the lessons. The types of assessments that can be found are: Pre-assessment, Formative, Summative, Self, and Peer Assessments. For more details on our Assessment system, see Chapter L of the OpenSciEd Teacher Handbook or check out our Professional Learning materials on Innovative Assessments.