Universal Design for Learning - OpenSciEd
Professional Learning Session Overview

Universal Design for Learning

Amplifying the Universal Design for Learning features embedded in OpenSciEd’s materials

Session Overview

This two-day professional development session focuses on the overarching question – How do we remove barriers and increase access for all learners? It assumes the prerequisite completion of the Launch Professional Learning and previous experience teaching an OpenSciEd unit. Included in this session are opportunities for teachers to:

  • Analyze OpenSciEd Lessons and assessment opportunities using Universal Design for Learning Principles.
  • Examine a new tool with ways to support and scaffold for different learners to remove barriers to the learning.
  • Reflect on the UDL principles embedded in key lessons and consider possible modifications using the Universal Design for Learning principles to remove barriers for your students. 
  • Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student.

All of the instructional materials associated with this professional learning session are available for download from the Instructional Materials page.

Session Agenda

Day 1: How do UDL principles embedded in OpenSciEd materials support all students?

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On Day 1,  participants will learn about the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles. The focus for Day 1 in the whole group will be to look at how the principles of UDL are embedded into the OpenSciEd instructional materials by analyzing a few steps of a lesson. Then, participants will read a vignette about various learners engaging in a discussion and reflect on how the UDL principles embedded in this step of the lesson support all these learners. In the unit-specific time, participants will engage with the anchor, develop the storyline, and reflect on the various places in the storyline where the UDL principles are embedded.

Participants will:

  • Understand the 3 Principles of UDL (Engagement, Representation, and Action/Expression) and how they can be used to support learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners
  • Identify ways that an UDL is embedded in the OpenSciEd instructional materials to support all students


  • 1 hour – Reflect on the diversity of students in your classroom. Be introduced to Universal Design for Learning principles as a way to increase access for students. Then examine an OpenSciEd lesson to see how these principles are embedded into the materials. 
  • 5 hours – Experience the anchor for the unit, analyze the teacher guide for Lesson 1 to see how UDL is embedded into the lesson, and build the storyline for the unit, and experience key lessons.

Day 2: How can we apply the UDL principles as we enact OpenSciEd in our context?

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On Day 2,  participants will reflect on the UDL principles and how they can be used to adapt the materials to meet the needs of all students, including EML students and students with IEPs and 504s. Participants will analyze a vignette from a high school classroom, using a new tool, UDL Supports and Scaffolds for Student Sensemaking, to consider how these supports and scaffolds would help to remove barriers for students. In the unit-specific time participants will engage in key lessons and then take a deeper look at how the UDL principles are embedded in a couple of the key lessons. Then they will reflect on possible modifications they might make for their students. 

Participants will:

  • Reflect on your own learners and consider using steps of UDL modifications to remove barriers for your students. 
  • Determine how UDL strategies align with strategies for the variety of learning differences students have
  • Analyze a vignette of teacher modifications 
  • Consider how to modify instruction to further reduce barriers for students


  • 1 hour – Using a resource determine how UDL strategies align with strategies for the variety of learning differences students have in your classroom. Analyze a vignette of teacher modifications for a lesson and reflect on how to use UDL to modify for your students. .
  • 5 hours – Take a deeper dive into key lessons in the unit. Analyze two lessons using the UDL principles to find where these are embedded, and using the resources from the whole group, consider modifications you might make for your students to remove barriers to the sensemaking.