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We are excited to celebrate our new OpenSciEd facilitator certification by offering two Certified OpenSciEd Professional Learning workshops. The 2-day launch workshop will provide teachers with unit specific content and pedagogy required to teach the OpenSciEd award-winning curriculum effectively.

The Middle School workshop will take place May 29th and May 30th and is for teachers in grades 6, 7 or 8. The workshop will take place at Rutgers New Brunswick from 9am – 3pm.

This two-day professional learning session focuses on the key instructional elements of OpenSciEd in addition to the focal units. Included in this session are opportunities for teachers to:

Identify OpenSciEd key instructional elements for teaching and learning

Examine student videos and artifacts from OpenSciEd units in relation to the key instructional elements

Engage in the actual lessons of the unit as a student

Examine assessments with a focus on transfer tasks

Learn how to use the Teacher Edition and Key Resources to maximize your preparation time in planning for OSE instruction.