Washington Science Teachers Assocation - OpenSciEd
Certified Professional Learning Providers

Washington Science Teachers Assocation

The WSTA is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating and promoting quality science education at all levels of instruction.

WSTA is dedicated to advancing K-12 STEM education across Washington State. We provide Professional Learning to teachers through in-person workshops, virtual meetings and host an annual state science conference. Our network connects educators to share best practices, innovative strategies, and resources, fostering a collaborative environment to enhance science instruction. Numerous members of WSTA participated in OpenSciEd unit field tests and currently teach OpenSciEd units. Our teachers are eager to share their success of OpenSciEd with you.

Focus of OpenSciEd Work

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The Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA) is proud to partner with OpenSciEd to support schools and districts in implementing high-quality, NGSS-aligned science instructional materials. As an OSE partner state, our collaboration focuses on promoting equitable and effective science education including:

  • Cost effective, high quality, Professional Learning for all 6-12 OSE science units, in person or virtually, focusing on initial adoption and Facilitating the Anchoring Phenomenon Routine.
  • In depth instruction on all 6-12 OSE units, including implementation issues.
  • Tips and tricks on how to adapt the OpenSciEd curriculum to fit the needs of your students and unique teaching content.
  • Experienced OSE trained Washington State Science Teachers/Educators who field tested, piloted, have taught or are currently teaching OSE in the classroom.
  • Access to Professional Learning events, colleague to colleague collaboration and support for effective and impactful science education.

Through our partnership with OpenSciEd, WSTA is dedicated to empowering teachers and inspiring the next generation of scientists by making high-quality, engaging science education accessible to all.

Supporting Equitable Science Instruction

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At the Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA), we champion equitable science instruction in schools and districts across Washington State. We provide Professional Learning focusing on culturally responsive pedagogy and differentiated instruction for underrepresented groups, including racial and ethnic identities. Our network connects educators to share best practices for inclusive teaching, ensuring all students, regardless of background, have access to high-quality science education. By advocating for equitable policies and promoting diversity within the curriculum, WSTA empowers teachers to create engaging, accessible science experiences for every student. Our goal is to make science education a tool for equity and inclusion.

Supporting School Systems

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Your partnership with the Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA) is an ongoing process and can help your school system continually improve over time. You can tap into our resources and Professional Learning for support anytime you desire. We will work closely with you to determine your Professional Learning needs and provide opportunities to work with our professionally trained educators either in person or virtually.

By collaborating with local education leaders and aligning with state standards, we aim to create a cohesive and impactful science education experience for all students. Our partnership with OpenSciEd is dedicated to empowering teachers and inspiring the next generation of scientists through accessible, high-quality science education.

Where We Work

We have worked here
We are also willing to work here

OpenSciEd Professional Learning

  • Curriculum Launch
  • Facilitator Training
  • Ongoing Support/Unit Launch
  • Unit Adaptation Support

OpenSciEd Grade Level Focus

  • High School
  • Middle School

Other Professional Learning

  • Strategic District Implementation
  • Supporting Science Coaches