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What Research Articles have been published about OpenSciEd?
Researchers involved in the OpenSciEd middle school field testing have written several articles about the the professional learning and instructional model used in this curriculum. Links to the articles can be found below. Also, check out our Research that Informed the OpenSciEd Materials document.
Research Articles
Kevin Cherbow & Katherine L. McNeill (2022): Planning for student-driven discussions: a revelatory case of curricular sensemaking for epistemic agency, Journal of the Learning Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2021.2024433
Daniel C. Edelson, Brian J. Reiser, Katherine L. McNeill, Audrey Mohan,Michael Novak, Lindsey Mohan, Renee Affolter, Tara A. W. McGill, Zoë E. Buck Bracey, JamieDeutch Noll, Susan M. Kowalski, Dawn Novak, Abraham S. Lo, Carolyn Landel, Andrew Krumm, William R. Penuel, Katie Van Horne, María González-Howard & Enrique Suárez (2021) Developing Research-Based Instructional Materials to Support Large-Scale Transformation of Science Teaching and Learning: The Approach of the OpenSciEd Middle School Program, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32:7, 780-804, DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2021.1877457
Measuring Equitable Science Instruction at Scale
Considering discussion types to support collective sensemaking during a storyline unit
Lowell, B. R., Cherbow, K., & McNeill, K. L. (2021). Considering discussion types to support collective sensemaking during a storyline unit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–28.
Using the Student Hat to Push on Multiple Goals in Teacher Professional Learning
An Initial Logic Model Guide to OSE Research March 2021
McElhaney, K., Baker, A., Chillmon, C., Kasad, Z., Liberman, B., & Roschelle, J. (2022, March). An initial logic model to guide OpenSciEd research: Updated version [White paper]. Digital Promise.
A Field Driven Equity Centered Research Agenda for OpenSciEd
McElhaney, K., Baker, A., Kasad, Z., Roschelle, J., & Chillmon, C. (2022, March). A field-driven, equity-centered research agenda for OpenSciEd: Updated version [White paper]. Digital Promise
Storyline Units: An Instructional Model to Support Coherence from the Students’ Perspective
Brian J. Reiser, Michael Novak, Tara A. W. McGill & William R. Penuel (2021) Storyline Units: An Instructional Model to Support Coherence from the Students’ Perspective, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32:7, 805-829, DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2021.1884784