An OpenSciEd Classroom - OpenSciEd

An OpenSciEd Classroom in Iowa

Davis County Middle School in Bloomfield, Iowa embraces OpenSciEd’s phenomena-based learning which inspires students to lead in questioning, investigating, and solving problems. Through student-lead discovery, this OpenSciEd classroom fosters a classroom culture where everyone matters and is heard.

At each step, students make progress on the classroom’s questions through science and engineering practices to figure out a piece of a science idea. Each piece they figure out adds to the developing explanation, model, or designed solution. Each step may also generate questions that lead to the next step in the storyline.

Together, what students figure out helps explain the unit’s phenomena or solve the problems they have identified. A storyline provides a coherent path toward building science ideas piece by piece, anchored in students’ own questions. This approach highlights two key instructional shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards that are typically absent from traditional science instruction: phenomena-based teaching and the importance of coherence, thanks to our to science technology tools for the classroom.

What OpenSciEd educators say about OpenSciEd classrooms:


My students walk in my classroom saying “Are we doing another experiment today?!” “What are we learning in science today?!” It is very clear that students are excited to come to class and learn and discover something new each day.

Kaitlan Lee 7th Grade Science Teacher, Plymouth Community Intermediate School


OpenSciEd’s curriculum is well thought out and developed to effectively guide teachers in helping students figure out science concepts and practices rather than telling students the answers. OpenSciEd goes beyond “hands-on” learning. It is different. Each unit is anchored in an engaging, relevant phenomenon that students engage in practices of scientists to figure out. At the end of the unit, students OWN their understanding.

Gilly Ryan Middle School Science Teacher, CA


In my first year using OpenSciEd’s curriculum, it has been amazing to witness student engagement grow from a flickering flame to a blazing fire. My students have learned how to ask pertinent questions and define relevant problems.

Candice Brennan Middle School Science Teacher, Liberty Middle School, West Orange


I have seen OpenSciEd level the playing field and equalize the entry point for all students in my class. The anchoring phenomena and shared, collaborative learning hold all students accountable for participation and building our collective classroom science learning.

Shauna Green Middle School Science Teacher, Scott Middle School, Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska